Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rag-doll of Kilkenny

I will not speak of where I found her
bird-boned and fragile;
all rag and filth she was
and gazed at me with hungry eyes--
that were not fierce
nor calculating,
but empty as a piece of sky.
It was the eyes,
as they were,
chilly and still blue,
very round
and almost popping out
of her shrunken face...
the loose jaw bobbing--
no voice.
I swaddled her in my apron
and brought her through the door.
All I had
was a bowl of milk
still warm from the May cow.
When she finished,
her lashes were moist
and I thought I saw
the ghost of a smile
before she laid by the smoking ashes,
limbs heavy like clay;
like clay,
grew cold.


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